
适用性本政策适用于负责保管的人员, control and supervision of Minors participating in Covered Activities offered by 皇冠体育 (“皇冠体育博彩” 或者是 “College”) or sponsored by Third Parties on College property.

目的: The purpose of this Policy is to promote the safety and welfare of Minors participating in Covered Activities sponsored by the College or by Third Parties on College property by establishing standards, 成年人与未成年人一起参与活动的义务和期望.


“虐待”指的是身体上的虐待, 精神或情感虐待, 性虐待或忽视, 因为这些项在K中被定义.S.A. 38-2202.


“Covered Activity” means a program or activity covered by this Policy that is intended primarily for unaccompanied Children and is sponsored by the College or is conducted on campus by a Third Party in conjunction with a written agreement with the College. A program or activity is a “Covered Activity” if the College or Third Party affirmatively accepts responsibility for custody, 在节目或活动期间对未成年人进行控制和监督. Acceptance of such responsibility occurs only if a Child is registered f或者是 program or activity by a parent or guardian and only while the Child is present at the program or activity. 未涵盖活动的情况包括:

  1. 对公众开放的活动, 比如音乐会, 体育活动, 展览和节日. 在这样的事件中, 孩子们应该有父母或法定监护人陪同和监督, 他们在没有父母或监护人的情况下并不会转移监护权, 控制和监督学院或第三方主办的活动.
  2. Field trips where Children are brought onto College property by a school or other organization and the representatives of those schools or organizations are expected to retain responsibility for custody, 对孩子的控制和监督.
  3. 大学学分课程.
  4. 约翰逊县成人教育班.
  5. 大学继续教育课程, 除了主要为儿童开设的课程, 包括但不限于司机教育和青少年充实计划课程, 涵盖的活动.
  6. 希尔施泰纳儿童发展中心.
  7. 因承保活动以外的原因陪同人员或访客的儿童.
  8. 未来学生参观校园.
  9. 任何其他由子女访问学院保管的财产, control and supervision is not expressly vested in the College or a Third Party as stated in this definition.

“拘留, “控制和监督”是指指导的权力, 管理和监督一个孩子, which remains vested in a parent or legal guardian unless delegated to the College or Third Party for a duration of time and for a specific Covered Activity, 在此期间,学院或第三方行使自己的权力进行指导, 管理和监督未成年人. 移交监护权, 控制和监督的证据是登记和儿童在受保护活动中的存在.


“负责任的成年人”是指年满十八周岁的对儿童负有监护责任的人, 管理和监督未成年人参加所涵盖的活动,并且是学院的员工, 在学院做志愿者的人 志愿者政策440.00, 或者是员工, agent or volunteer of a Third Party that has a written agreement with the College to conduct Covered Activities on College property.



All persons interacting with Children on campus are expected to abide by all federal and state laws and regulations concerning the protection of Children. College employees who are Responsible Adults shall comply with this Policy and additional standards or procedures for working with Minors set by a College department or program. Third Parties are subject to this Policy and additional standards or procedures specified by the College in a written agreement.

如违反本政策,可酌情将其提交法律当局处理. 违反本政策的大学员工将受到纪律处分,直至根据本政策被解雇 停职、降职和解雇政策.08,违反此政策的志愿者可能会被终止在学院的服务. Third Parties who violate this Policy will be subject to the terms and conditions of the written agreement with the College.

I. 需要进行
  1. A College employee who is planning a program or activity intended primarily for unaccompanied Children shall notify the Executive Director of Mission Continuity and Risk Management prior to promoting the activity.
  2. 负责任的成年人应:
    1. 遵守所有书面的学院政策、操作程序和内部政策, 部门或项目规定的程序或标准.
    2. 立即向学院警察局报告, 与承保活动有关, 负责任的成年人目击或有合理理由怀疑虐待未成年人. 本政策未涉及的其他报告要求可能适用, such as the obligation of mandated reporters under Kansas law to report to the Kansas Department for Children and Families when they have reason to suspect that a minor Child has been harmed by physical, 精神或情感虐待忽视或性虐待.
    3. 负责任的成年雇员 or volunteers of the College shall successfully complete a criminal background check as required by the 犯罪背景调查政策.03 or 义工政策440.00, 是适用的, and complete and follow all training for Responsible Adults designed to prevent the Abuse of a Minor as required by the College’s Executive Director of Mission Continuity and Risk Management. Both shall be completed at a frequency specified by the Executive Director of Mission Continuity and Risk Management.
    4. 在涉及未成年人的活动之前, 负责任的成年雇员, agents or volunteers of a Third Party shall complete criminal background checks and training designed to prevent the Abuse of a Minor as set out in the written agreement with the College. The relevant terms and conditions of the written agreement shall be reviewed and approved by the College’s Executive Director of Mission Continuity and Risk Management.
  3. 特派团连续性和风险管理执行主任或其指定人员应:
    1. Establish procedures for College employees to notify Risk Management of programs or activities intended primarily for unaccompanied Children and for Risk Management to periodically survey College departments to identify programs or activities that may be Covered Activities.
    2. Confirm that Covered Activities follow the requirements of this Policy and any Risk Management or program procedures, including the requirement that background checks and training required by this Policy have occurred for all Responsible Adults prior to their first involvement in a Covered Activity.

II. 禁止的行为


  1. 和未成年人单独相处, unless the Responsible Adult is a relative or guardian of the Minor or one-on-one interaction has been determined by the supervisory College employee to be appropriate f或者是 Covered Activity. 即使是经过批准的一对一互动也应遵守培训原则,以确保未成年人得到保护.
  2. 从事或企图从事虐待未成年人的行为.
  3. 从事,或试图从事,未成年人的任何行为,是禁止的 堪萨斯法令第二十一章注释.
  4. 通过任何方式联系未成年人, 包括社交媒体, 以进行性对话为目的, 性行为或任何其他被禁止的行为.

3. 报复

对任何人采取报复行动, 诚信行事, 有否根据本政策举报涉嫌虐待个案, 或参与调查或回应虐待指控, 或已报告未能遵守本政策, 是被禁止的. 有关报复的投诉将按照 雇员歧视、骚扰或报复政策.00 或者是 学生歧视、骚扰或报复政策.05,视情况而定.

IV. 第三方使用大学设施

Any Third Party that wishes to operate Covered Activities on College property must register with the Executive Director of Mission Continuity and Risk Management and have a written agreement with the College that includes, 但不限于, 要求适当的保险范围和保证其雇员, 与未成年人互动的志愿者或代理人已接受过适当的培训, 是否已成功完成背景调查, will adhere to incident response and reporting requirements and supervision ratios and will comply with College policies and operating procedures.
